Community Vision #moira2035

What are we doing?

Over the next two months, we will be engaging with our local community to articulate a long term community vision - #moira2035. This vision will depict your aspirations for life in Moira Shire.

This is not a Council vision, it is a community vision. But, it will help shape and inform the work that Council does over the next 10+ years. So we want to hear from you!

How can you get involved?

We have a number of mechanisms in place to capture your ideas. Feel free to pick and choose which is most convenient for you, or to respond via multiple channels:

Draft Community Vision - have your say

The draft Community Vision has now been completed by the panel is available for your feedback.

To have your say click here

Get the kids involved

Primary Aged Kids
Primary aged kids can participate by submitting a drawing of what they want to see in our Shire.
Download the postcard template now and submit your drawings to either:
 - Your teacher
 - Scan it in and send it to
Postcard Template(PDF, 59KB)

Secondary School Kids
If you are in Secondary School we invite you to put your journalistic skills to the test by creating a front page newspaper article.

Download your paper below and submit your work via:
 - Your teacher
 - Email to

Cobram Courier Newspaper(PDF, 132KB)
Nathalia Red Gum Courier(PDF, 196KB)
Numurkah Leader Newspaper(PDF, 131KB)
Yarrawonga Chronicle Newspaper(PDF, 135KB)

A special thank you to our local newspapers, Cobram Courier, Numurkah Leader, Red Gum Courier and Yarrawonga Chronicle, who donated their mastheads for this project