Animal forms


All information in relation to pets and animals,including registrations, nuisance animals, lost & found, adoptions and wildlife can be found by visiting our Pets & Animals page. 

To apply to register an animal for the first time 

Use the below form when registering a dog / cat for the first time. If you would like more information visit the Registering your pet page.

Application to Register a Domestic Animal(PDF, 157KB)

To update registration details 

Use the below form to update your current animal registration if your animal is deceased, no longer lives in the shire or moved address and or have a new owner.

Animal Registration Update Form
Update Online

Keeping of additional animals  

Use the below form to request a permit to house additional animals.

Keeping of Animals Application/Renewal form

If you want to keep more animals as set out in the Local Law, you must apply to Moira Shire Council by completing the Keeping of Animals Application/Renewal pdf form or online form below.

Keeping of Animals Application/Renewal for a Permit
Applicant’s Details:
In accordance with Moira Shire Council’s Community Amenity Local Law 2023, Part 6.
Other (type):
Are all owned dogs/cats currently registered? * (required)
Are all owned animals de-sexed? * (required)
Are you the owner of the property? * (required)
Attached pdf above: A copy of the relevant section from the Moira Shire Council’s Community Amenity Local Law 2023, Part 6 is enclosed. Please read it thoroughly and ensure you comply with all requirements. Keeping of Animal permits are to be renewed annually.
Please attach the following: * (required)
PAYMENT METHODS: a) IN PERSON: at Council Offices in Cobram and Yarrawonga. EFTPOS facilities available. b) PHONE: council during business hours. Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm. Please have your credit card ready and a copy of this form. c) MAIL: cheque or money orders, made payable to ‘Moira Shire Council’ to PO Box 578 Cobram VIC 3643.
* (required)
Adjoining Neighbour Consent Form:

Collection Statement:Moira Shire Council is collecting information on this form for municipal purposes as specified in various acts, regulations and local laws that council has a responsibility to administer. The Personal Information will be used solely by Council for these purposes and or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required by legislation. If you do not provide the information required, we will not be able to process your application. You can find out more about how we use and protect your information by viewing our Privacy Policy on our website