Community Project Proposal Council are currently reviewing the Community Project Proposal process and will not be taking new applications at this stage. If you have any questions, please contact the Community Team.
Arts and Culture We aim to improve liveability and are actively involved in shaping the future for our residents through arts and culture activities and programs.
Community Planning Our Community Planning team have a strong focus on engaging all its communities with positive and productive interaction.
Council and Community events Find out about upcoming community events run or supported by Council, from workshops to festivals.
Citizenship Ceremonies Australian Citizenship symbolises our unity as a nation. It represents commitment to Australia and its people, the values we share and our common future.
Sport and Recreation Club Directory Here you will find a directory of local sporting groups with their contact details.
Playgrounds In Moira Shire This is a directory of playgrounds in our Shire with photos and details to help you choose your next playground adventure.
Community Profile Delivering comprehensive insights into the specific traits and features that make up the people in our community.
List your community event Find out about upcoming council or community events including workshops, classes and more.