Animal forms Access forms to register your pet for the first time, change registration details or to keep additional animals at your property.
Building forms Access forms that relate to building work construction, renovation, improvement, demolition or maintenance of a building.
Hire of Facility, Reserve or Park Council has a number of facilities, parks and recreational reserves that can be hired by individuals or groups for events or sporting purposes.
Apply for a temporary closure or conduct works in road reserves Access forms to apply for temporary road closures or apply for consent to do works within road reserves. Also access a fact sheet on caring for your Nature Strip.
Municipal Pension Concession & Single Farm Enterprise Exemption Forms Access forms for concession or exemption of municipal rates/charges
Apply for a permit Access our many Application Forms to apply for things such as Disabled Parking permits, Footpath Trading permits, Street Stalls/Raffles permits, Permits to Burn and Business permits.
Request access to Council information Access our forms relating to requests under Freedom of Information or Property Information (for fencing notices etc).