Future-proofing JC Lowe Oval Reserve: Master Plan adopted

Published on 11 September 2024


A comprehensive strategy to guide the future development and enhancement of the JC Lowe Oval Reserve in Yarrawonga has been adopted by Moira Shire Council. The JC Lowe Oval Reserve Master Plan marks a significant milestone for the local community, offering a clear and cohesive vision for the precinct's future.

The Master Plan, developed through extensive consultation with local residents, sports clubs and key stakeholders, outlines a range of upgrades and improvements designed to meet the evolving needs of the community while preserving the area’s historical and cultural significance.

Chair Administrator Dr Graeme Emonson PSM expressed enthusiasm for the adoption of the Master Plan, stating that it is a great outcome to have a strategic direction and vision for the future of the Reserve that is shared between the JC Lowe Recreation Reserve Community Asset Committee, user groups and Council.

"The JC Lowe Oval is a preeminent sporting and recreation precinct in Yarrawonga with multiple users and is highly utilised by the community for both active and passive recreation. The Master Plan is a forward-looking document that reflects the aspirations of our community, and it provides great insights into how the reserve can be best used into the future," said Dr Emonson.

“Through this process, we have been able to determine the approximate cost of the works identified over the next 10 to 15 years, and we can use the Master Plan to seek funding from external bodies – a really important initiative that will flow from this Master Plan, as Council alone cannot fund the improvements identified in the plan.”

“We thank the community members that provided feedback on the Master Plan throughout the consultation phase,” added Dr Emonson.

The JC Lowe Reserve Master Plan aims to:

  • Identify and prioritise infrastructure related development needs in order to ensure the reserve remains fit for purpose and a sustainable community asset.
  • Embed a strategic direction and “vision” for the future of the Reserve that is shared between the Reserve Committee, user groups and Council.
  • Provide a facility that caters for community sport at a local and regional level and strategically aligns with the Active Victoria Strategy 2022-2026.
  • Host major tourist events for the region. Key principles considered in developing the plan include clear preference for multi-use facilities and consideration of service provision available in surrounding towns.
  • Provide a plan for Council to develop and maintain recreational assets.
  • Set out a cost plan for the implementation of the Master Plan.

To view the JC Lowe Oval Master Plan, please visit Council’s website: https://www.moira.vic.gov.au/Community/Works-and-Projects/Completed-Works-and-Projects/Completed-Recreation-Leisure-and-Community-Facilities/JC-Lowe-Oval-Reserve-Master-Plan-2024


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