Community Strengthening Grants Policy Review

Submissions closed on 09 September 2022, 05:00 PM


You are invited to have your say on our draft Community Strengthening Grants Policy.

The aim of the Community Strengthening Grant program is to enhance the capacity of community organisations to develop and deliver services, manage facilities, coordinate events and promote tourism, environmental sustainability and health in the Moira Shire community.

The purpose of the policy is to support the delivery of Council’s Community Strengthening Grant program so that funding provided under this program:

  • aligns with Councils strategic objectives and identified key initiatives;
  • aligns with the intent of the Local Government Act 2020 and relevant regulations and guidelines;
  • supports projects that address social inequity, promote social inclusion, embrace diversity, and establish environments that are supportive of all people regardless of gender, identity, age, disability, culture, religion and sexual orientation;
  • does not involve Council in controversial issues such as political or cultural sensitivities, or expose Council to adverse criticism; and
  • is used for a purpose that benefits the Moira Shire community.

Our existing policy has recently been reviewed resulting in a number of key changes.

Summary of key changes


A number of small grammatical, punctuation and flow changes have been made to the Policy to ensure that Policy reads fluently and is easy to understand. The policy has also been updated to reflect Councils commitment to supporting diversity, inclusion and equity. More significant changes to the Policy are listed below.

1. Grant Category changes

The grant categories have been updated to the below:

  • Quick Response Grants (Open Round)        
    - Stream 1 up to $1,000

    - Stream 2 up to $5,000

  • Major Grants (Up to 2 Rounds)                     
    - Up to $10,000

  • It is proposed that future changes to the number of rounds and maximum funding amounts can be made through CEO approval. 

2. Eligibility Criteria changes

The eligibility criteria has been updated to include:

  • Council approval will be required for projects and events that are to take place on Council owned or managed land via a completed Community Project Proposal application. Please note the Community Project Proposal process must be completed prior to applying for a grant.
  • Applications must declare Discretionary expenses and meet the discretionary limits outlined in the Community Strengthening Grant guidelines.

3. Funding Exclusion changes

The funding exclusions have been updated to include:

  • Community organisations that already receive regular funding from Council for capital, maintenance or equipment for projects relating to these activities.
  • Projects or events that are for capital projects (please note – these will now be directed to the Annual Budget process).
  • Projects/events on private property or government land – except where the project/event meets all other funding requirements and the applicant is able to provide evidence that:
    - There is no commercial gain for the owner/operator of the property;
    - Ongoing maintenance requirements and sale or change of ownership have been considered; and
    - Occupational, Health and Safety and/or Contractor and Risk requirements are met as per the guidelines.

Provide your feedback 

The feedback period has now closed.

To provide your feedback on our draft Community Strengthening Grants Policy and your experiences with the program you can fill in our feedback form:

  • online below
  • in person by visiting one of our Customer Service Centres (details below)
  • over the phone by speaking to our Customer Experience team; or
  • feedback can also be provided by emailing

All feedback received by Council by 5pm Friday 9 September 2022 will be considered prior to adoption of a final Community Strengthening Grants Policy.

Cobram Service Centre
44 Station Street, Cobram
Office Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm

Yarrawonga Service Centre
100 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga
Office Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm.
Closed daily between 12-1pm.

Phone (03) 5781 9222
Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm