Ephemeral art aids recovery

Published on 16 March 2021


Council, in partnership with The Creative Recovery Network, has put together an inspiring shire-wide art exhibition comprising unique artwork submitted by members of our local communities.

Mayor Libro Mustica said recovery from trauma, particularly from the COVID-19 pandemic, takes many forms.

“The theme of this exhibition is Together with participants submitting artworks representing our shared interests, embracing our differences and growing stronger together,” he said.

“Increasing resilience involves a focus on the strength and sustainability of a community’s infrastructure and institutions, as well as building and strengthening the links between people and the services, systems and structures that support the community to function.”

Cr Mustica said young people in the shire had identified difficulty in having their voices recognised, supported and respected within the broader community.

“It was pleasing to see so many submissions from our younger members with these artworks enlarged and positioned on vacant walls and spaces across the shire as an outdoor gallery,” he said.

“The artworks are not permanent and will gradually fade over time, which is, in itself, a key feature - an ever-changing dynamic showing the passage of time.

“There is a map identifying where the works of art are exhibited available on our website and I encourage everyone to make a day of it and travel across the four main towns of the shire to see these wonderful creations.”