Draft Moira Shire 2021/22 Budget

Submissions closed on 02 June 2021, 05:00 PM

Budget Cover FRONT A4.jpg

Council is seeking feedback on its draft 2021/22 Budget. 

What's in the Budget?

The rates, fees and charges for the coming year including:

  • The rate in the dollar that is used to calculate rates for individual properties;
  • A comprehensive list of identified capital works projects and programs for the shire to maintain and renew roads, bridges and footpaths, sporting facilities and playgrounds, irrigation and drainage.
  • A detailed explanation of the funding we have allocated to enable the delivery of more than 100 council services including rubbish collection, immunisations, sports and recreation facilities, town planning and tourism development.

How much will my rates increase?

Your rates are calculated by multiplying the rate in the dollar (set by Council and detailed in the budget) by the value of your property (determined by the Victorian Government’s valuation process). Our budget will comply with the Victorian Government’s rate cap of 1.5%.

Council sought feedback on this Draft Budget in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989. Community feedback closed at 5pm on 2 June 2021.

A Committee of Council was held at 5pm Monday 7 June 2021 to hear any person who indicated they wished to speak/present in support of their written submission.

The below document lists the key projects we propose to deliver across the shire in 2021/22.

Please refer to the draft budget document for a detailed listing of all the projects and programs we propose to deliver in 2021/22.

Moira Capital Works Map_v2.jpg(PDF, 6MB)

  • $50,000 for COVID-19 support to impacted businesses including access to business experts
  • $30,000 for Business Workshops Programs.
  • A commitment to support Silo Art throughout the shire.
  • $160,000 for Tourism Marketing including ongoing marketing to promote our region domestically and internationally.
  • A commitment to increase service levels in our shire-wide tree maintenance program.
  • Installation of a new online booking system to allow for online registrations and applications through our website.
  • More than $200,000 allocated for Strengthening Grants to support community projects throughout the shire.
  • Continue advocating for all schools in Moira to be involved in environmental sustainability programs.
  • A commitment to sourcing 100% of our electricity from renewable energy and dropping our greenhouse gas emissions by 47%.
  • Youth Live4Life Program to improve youth mental health and reduce youth suicide.
  • Aiding delivery of support services via the FoodShare Program.
  • Manage almost 1,700km of roadsides across Moira for weeds and pest animals.
  • Innovative Services Program to strengthen the community care/services sector in the shire.
  • Develop and implement the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
  • Work with Goulburn Valley Water and local communities for the continued roll out of hydration stations.


Council received 12 formal submissions in relation to the draft 2021/22 Budget. All submissions, including submitter’s name and address, will be on public display for 12 months.

Draft Budget - Redacted Submissions(PDF, 75MB)