
COVID-19 Vaccines

Moira residents can now access COVID-19 vaccinations via your local GP or pharmacist. 

Immunisation Service

Our immunisation sessions are via scheduled appointment times.  

Please do not attend if you or your child is unwell.

If you are purchasing a vaccine, please note that we only have EFTPOS facilities available at our sessions.

Book an appointment here

Booking Information and Instructions

To attend an immunisation session, please book an appointment for one of our sessions using the Victorian Department of Health’s Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) portal.

The CIRV portal requires an up-to-date modern browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Firefox. Internet Explorer is not supported.


1. Sign up / Sign in

To book an appointment for yourself or your family, you will first need to sign in to your Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) account. If you don't have an account you will be prompted to create one.

Before creating an account, please make sure you have:

  • Email address and access to the email account
  • Medicare card (if you have one)

Note: Accounts set up for other government intiatives (e.g. will not be valid). 


2. Sign in

Once signed in, you can make an online booking for childhood, adolescent and adult vaccines. You will be required to book appointments separately for each child.

  1. Select Moira Shire Council
  2. Select the specific date or a date range
  3. Select the venue – Cobram, Nathalia, Numurkah or Yarrawonga
  4. Select your preferred time

If you have trouble booking online, please call 03 5871 9222.


3. Attend the session

Please bring your Medicare card (if you have one), and your child's personal Health Record Book to the session.



Please see the Instructions with Screenshots(PDF, 1MB) to assist you with making your booking.

Community Influenza Vaccine

Flu Shot Image.png Moira Shire Council is offering Influenza vaccine to residents via appointment at our scheduled immunisation sessions. 

Some residents will be eligible for a free vaccine through the National Immunisation Program. For those ineligible, vaccinations are available at a cost of $20 per dose, payable by CARD ONLY at the session. No cash payments will be accepted.

For further information and appointment bookings please visit the Central Immunisation Records Victoria portal or call us on 5871 9222.



Moira Shire offers immunisation services at the following locations.

Appointments are required. Please contact our Immunisation Team on 03 5871 9222 to book an appointment.




Numurkah Maternal and Child Health Centre

38B McCaskill Street, Numurkah


Yarrawonga Maternal and Child Health Centre

87 – 97 Orr Street, Yarrawonga


Cobram Maternal and Child Health Centre

16 Hay Avenue, Cobram 


Nathalia Maternal and Child Health Centre

75 Blake Street, Nathalia


Immunisation Service and Timetable

2024 Infant Immunisation Sessions:

Click on the image for all the details of our Immunisation Service and Timetable.

Immunisation Service and Timetable 2025.PNG

For further information and appointment bookings please visit the Central Immunisation Records Victoria portal or call us on 5871 9222.


If payment is required, EFTPOS only will be available at our sessions.


Vaccination Schedule

To check what age you or your child should be vaccinated please view the Victorian Immunisation Program Schedule.(PDF, 187KB)

For more information, please contact us or visit Department of Health.


Vaccination Histories

If your child is under 14 years of age, immunisation history statements are available online, through the Australian Immunisation Register, existing customers section at Department of Human Services.

For all other enquiries in relation to immunisation records for individuals that have been immunised through a Moira Shire Council immunisation service, please complete the Application for Immunisation Record(PDF, 162KB) form or the online form below.

Council’s Immunisation Department can provide immunisation records for individuals that have been immunised through a Moira Shire Council Immunisation Session.

Council is not able to provide records of immunisations given by doctors or other providers. For children under the age of 14 years, their infant immunisation records are available by contacting the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) on 1800 653 809 or by visiting the AIR website.

Note: Records will be posted within 5 business days of request being received.
Person Applying for Record: * (required)

If different from above, please complete the below:

Privacy Statement: The Personal and/or Health Information requested on this form is being collected by Council for the purpose of accessing and providing immunisation information. The Personal and/or Health Information will be used solely by Council for these purposes or directly related purposes. 

Council is not able to provide records of immunisations given by doctors or other providers.

Secondary School Service

Our Immunisation Team visit all nine Secondary Schools within Moira Shire offering immunisation to all Year 7 and 10 students according to the National Immunisation Program. For more information about the Secondary School Service, diseases and recommended vaccines please visit Vaccination for adolescents or contact us on (03) 5871 9222.

Year 7 Immunisations:

  • Gardasil - Human Papillomavirus (HPV) (1 Doses required over the year)
  • Boostrix - Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough)


Year 10 Immunisations:

  • Nimenrix - Meningococcal ACWY

If you think your child has missed vaccination through the school program, please contact us (03) 5871 9222.


Other Vaccines Available

The National Immunisation Program does not cover all vaccines for all ages. If you require additional vaccines that are not included in the program, our immunisation sessions have the following vaccines available for purchase.



Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (Whooping Cough)


Varicella (Chicken Pox)


Meningococcal ACWY


Meningococcal B






Meningococcal Disease

Meningococcal infection (or meningococcal disease) is caused by a bacteria called meningococcus. There are 13 strains of meningococcus and five of these can be prevented by vaccines (A, B, C, W and Y strains). Immunisation against meningococcal bacteria is the best protection against meningococcal disease.

Meningococcal ACWY

 Meningococcal ACWY vaccine is provided as a single dose, free through the National Immunisation Program for:

  • Children at 12 months of age
  • Adolescents aged approximately 14 – 16 years through school based immunisation programs and those aged 15-19 as part of an ongoing catch up program
  • People with particular medical risk conditions

Meningococcal B (Bexsero)

Moira Shire Council provides Meningococcal B vaccine at a cost of $155 per dose without a prescription. The vaccine can be given to babies from 6 weeks of age. The number of doses required and when they should be given differs by age.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under 2 years are funded to receive this vaccine through the National Immunisation Program.

Important - Please Read

Paracetamol is recommended 30 minutes before meningococcal B vaccine administration, for children younger than two years of age. Two further doses of paracetamol are recommended six hours apart.

For further information on meningococcal disease and immunisation please visit the Department of Health and Aged Care website. 

 If you have questions or to schedule an appointment please contact Council on (03) 5871 9222.


Customer Satisfaction

If you have a concern or suggestion to improve the delivery of our immunisation services, you can discuss this with a member of our Immunisation Team or complete our online survey.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and survey findings will be kept confidential.

Click here to participate in the survey



'No Jab, No Play'

No Jab, No Play legislation requires parents/carers to provide evidence that their child has received all the vaccines they need and can confirm enrolment in a service. Following enrolment parents are required to keep this evidence up to date with the service.

For more information visit Victorian Government - Vic Health website.