Proposed Amendment to Road Management Plan

Submissions closed on 30 April 2021, 05:00 PM


In accordance with the provisions of the Road Management Act 2004 and the Road Management (General) Regulations 2016, Moira Shire Council gives notice that it has completed a review of its 2018 Road Management Plan (RMP) and that as a result of the findings of the review, it intends to amend its RMP.

The purpose and general purport of the proposed amendment is to ensure that the standards in relation to, and the priorities given to the inspection, maintenance and repair of the roads and classes of road that Council’s RMP applies are safe, efficient and appropriate for use by the community served by the Council.

The proposed amendment to the RMP includes administrative operational amendments relating to changes to the response times and definitions of intervention levels in the RMP appendices.

The proposed amendment will affect all roads and classes of road to which Council’s RMP applies, including bridges, kerbs and footpaths.

A draft copy of the RMP and a report of the review (and proposed amendments) may be inspected in person at the Council Offices at 44 Station Street, Cobram, or below.

Any person who is aggrieved by the proposed amendment may make a written submission on the proposed amendments by post, email or online to Council by no later than 5pm Friday 30 April 2021.

Community Feedback has now closed. An amended Road Management Plan was adopted by Council on 26 May 2021. 
The amended Road Management Plan is available here.